A first-of-its-kind study led by Cynthia McMurray and Aris Polyzos in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging (MBIB) Division integrated cell type– and brain region–specific features of DNA repair in normal brains, setting a benchmark for the field. Their results, recently published in Nature Communications, suggest that DNA damage itself serves as the checkpoint, limiting the accumulation of genomic errors in cells during natural aging.
Biosciences FY25 LDRD Projects
The projects of 23 Biosciences Area scientists and engineers received funding through the FY25 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program.
Biosciences Area FY24 LDRD Projects
The projects of 21 Biosciences Area scientists and engineers received funding through the FY24 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program.
R&D 100 Awards Are In!
Seven innovative technologies from Berkeley Lab have been honored with a 2022 R&D 100 Award. Biosciences Area researchers contributed to two different products that were awarded.
Cell ‘Fingerprinting’ Could Yield Alzheimer Disease Diagnostic
A technology developed by Cynthia McMurray, a senior scientist in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division, and her team shows great promise for diagnosing Alzheimer disease before symptoms arise. This disease affects millions of people worldwide and is estimated to be the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
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