A new digital brochure released by Berkeley Lab showcases a suite of biological research software developed in large part by Biosciences Area scientists. In collaboration with the Lab’s Computational Research Division, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), and other DOE national labs and academic institutions, scientists created 16 open- and closed-source software and tools in their part to accelerate progress across biological research. Ranging from imaging to omics research to synthetic biology tools, there’s something for everyone.
Beta of Neurodata Without Borders Software Now Available
Neuroscientists can now explore a beta version of the new Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N 2.0) software and offer input to its developers. The 2.0 software was developed by Berkeley Lab Computational Research Division’s (CRD’s) Oliver Ruebel and Andrew Tritt, in collaboration with Kristofer Bouchard (Biological Systems & Engineering Division, pictured), Loren Frank and Eddie Chang (UCSF), and the broader Neurodata Without Borders community. Read more on CRD’s website.
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