Kristofer Bouchard
Lead, Computational Biosciences Group, Computing Sciences Area
Computational Biologist Staff Scientist
Biological Systems and Engineering
- Organismal Systems & Bioresilience
Building: 977 & 59, Room 146 & 3047
Research Interests
We are an interdisciplinary team that focuses on understanding how distributed neural circuits gives rise to coordinated behaviors and perception. We take a two-pronged approach to this problem by conducting in vivo neuroscience experiments and developing data science tools.
- On the neuroscience side, we investigate functional organization and dynamic coordination in brain by combining in vivo multi-scale electrophysiology and optogenetics in rodents. This multi-modal, multi-scale approach provides the simultaneous breadth of coverage and spatio-temporal resolution required to determine neural computations at the speed-of-thought.
- On the data science side, we develop analysis tools for (neuro)-science, including statistical-machine learning algorithms, inference in dynamic graphical models, and data standards/formats. These interpretable and predictive tools provide enhanced insight into the generative processes that produce data.