John T. Groves
Chemist Faculty Scientist
Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
- Cellular and Tissue Imaging
Building: Stanley Hall , Room 408A
Phone: 510-666-3602
Fax: 510-666-3603
Research Interests
Professor Groves is primarily interested in role of spatial organization in biochemical reaction systems. Living cells are not at all well-mixed reaction chambers. Rather, the molecular processes of life occur in elaborate spatial patterns. This interplay between spatial organization and the chemical reactions themselves in living systems adds a fascinating new dimension to chemistry that is rarely encountered outside of biology. Specific research in Professor Groves’ laboratory focuses on how spatial organization influences signal transduction processes at the cell membrane. The research methods combine techniques in optical microscopy and spectroscopy with materials fabrication methods and cell biology. This integrated approach enables the direct observation and physical manipulation of living reaction systems, down to the single molecule level. The conceptual approach is rooted in physics and physical chemistry, with the overarching goal of developing a quantitative and mechanistic understanding biochemical processes in living systems.