Mentees: Initiate meetings and develop agendas for discussions; Prepare for meetings, identifying topics and goals as well as questions and ideas to explore; Embrace constructive feedback, learning new things, and meeting new people; Follow through on suggested resources, tools, conversations, and training; Respect and express thanks and appreciation for the mentor’s time, resources, and support. Both: Attend a 1.5–2 hour training session; Meet at least 60 minutes per month, unless mutually agreed otherwise; Be well-prepared for and fully engage in all meetings; Provide a trustworthy, respectful, and confidential environment; Participate in a mid-program and end-of-program evaluation survey. Mentors: Practice active listening; Value and respect differences and be culturally aware; Pose questions that will generate thought and guide mentees to find solutions; Provide encouragement, constructive feedback, and support for mentees, as needed; Encourage mentees to set the agenda and pace; Respect mentee privacy.