On October 28, Berkeley Lab marked the groundbreaking for the Biological & Environmental Program Integration Center (BioEPIC), a next-generation facility for studying interactions among microbes, water, soil, and plants. The groundbreaking ceremony at the Bayview site included members of Berkeley Lab leadership, science groups involved with BioEPIC, site cleanup and construction groups, and the construction contractor.

Susan Hubbard, Michael Brandt, Mike Witherell, Carol Burns, and Paul Adams had the opportunity to dig the first symbolic shovelfuls of earth near the site, where work has already begun. “It was wonderful to take part, along with many others at the Lab and the construction company, in breaking ground for this new building, which will house researchers from Biosciences and Earth and Environment Sciences. This is the result of several years of work by many people, and it is really exciting to see the building begin in earnest,” said Adams.
The tenants of BioEPIC will be scientists working in four DOE Office of Science-funded Scientific Focus Areas: Biosciences-led ENIGMA and m-CAFEs plus Watershed Function and Terrestrial Ecosystems Science, which are led by the Earth & Environmental Sciences Area. BioEPIC construction progress is regularly updated by the Lab’s Projects and Infrastructure Modernization Division.