By studying the structure and function of a cyanobacterial protein, researchers have new insights into how these ocean photosynthesizers cycle carbon in changing conditions.
BCSB Confirms Design of Stimulus-responsive, Two-state Proteins
Researchers have leveraged machine learning to create proteins that toggle between two different shapes in response to biological triggers, overcoming a limiting challenge in computational protein design and broadening the potential functionality of designed proteins. Study co-author Banumathi Sankaran, a research scientist in the Molecular Biophysics and Bioimaging Division, used the Advanced Light Source (ALS) beamlines in the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology (BCSB) to validate results with X-ray crystallography data.
Researchers Capture Elusive Missing Step in Photosynthesis
After decades of effort, scientists have revealed atomic-scale details of the water splitting step of photosynthesis, the chemical process that generates the air we breathe. The latest work adds to our understanding of photosynthesis and will aid the development of fully renewable alternative energy sources.
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