Congratulations to JGI staff scientist Simon Roux, who was recently selected as the 2025 recipient of the Microbiome Data Prize by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). Roux leads the Viral Genomics group within the JGI Metagenome Program, and coordinates the development of the virus and plasmid workflows for the National Microbiome Data Collaborative. He also has a secondary affiliation in the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology (EGSB) Division.
This award recognizes distinguished research achievements that support open data practices, development of standards and processes for data quality and sharing, and data workflows and management best practices that have advanced the microbial sciences. The Prize also recognizes innovative and impactful analysis of microbiome data that has changed our understanding of the microbiome and the microbial sciences field. Roux will be recognized at the 2025 ASM Microbe Meeting in Los Angeles, Calif. Learn more here in the JGI announcement.