Area Review Criteria
All proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
Approach: Clear, well-reasoned, and logically planned
Impact: Intellectual merit and potential for a broader scientific impact, and long-term benefit to society
Innovation: Interesting and compelling; is innovative in its field, uses innovative approaches, concepts, or advances technical capabilities
Prospect for Follow-on Funding: Shows promise for future external funding
Review Process
- If a proposal aligns more closely to an Area outside of Biosciences, talk to your Division Director or Deputy and ensure that you have the support of the appropriate ALD, Division Director, or Deputy so they can review, offer feedback, and if necessary, champion your project.
- Feedback to pre-proposals and initial presentations will be provided by Division/User Facility leadership.
- New-start proposals are evaluated against other new proposals, as well as requests for third-year continuing projects. Advancement of LDRDs seeking a third year of funding is available only in outstanding and exceptional circumstances.
- The top five proposals from each Division/User Facility will be selected to present to Area Leadership (ALD, Directors, Deputies, Department Heads).
- The top proposal from an early-career researcher will be selected as the Early Career representative for the Biosciences Area.
- A subset of proposals will be recommended to Lab Leadership for funding. The number of proposals recommended will be based on the funding target provided by the Directorate. (In FY22, 20% of the 38 new Biosciences Area proposals were approved for funding.)