On September 20-21, the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) hosted an internal workshop that covered the fundamentals of the production of petroleum and natural gas and their refining and conversion to chemicals.
The workshop leader was Dr. Paul Bryan, former Director of DOE’s Bioenergy Technology Office (BETO), and the former VP of Biofuels Technology and Founding Manager of the Alliance for Advanced Energy Solutions for Chevron.
During this two-full-day course, 21 participants from JBEI and the Biosciences Area gained a strong grounding in the current chemicals and liquid fuels industries. In addition, they delved into the challenges and opportunities in developing renewable alternatives. This latest update included expanded sections on Fuel Properties and “Non-Commodity” Chemicals.
The workshop was first held with DOE / Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy / BETO personnel in Washington, DC, and Golden, CO, in 2014, and has since been updated and held several times with National Labs and private-sector firms.