Deepti Tanjore
Director, Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Development Unit
Department Head, Process Engineering & Analytics
Biological Systems and Engineering
- Process Engineering & Analytics
Building: 978, Room 3205
Mail Stop: 978-3200
Phone: (814) 441-9759
Research Interests
Deepti Tanjore is Director of the ABPDU and interfaces with several scientists from industry, academia, and start-ups that are each individually trying to resolve scale-up challenges for their synthetic biology–based technologies. Deepti’s interests lie in articulating industry-wide issues and developing technologies that no single company is incentivized to pursue. Her research at ABPDU focuses on modeling the impact of bioprocess conditions on microbial heterogeneity and developing in-line analytical tools for real-time adaptation of process development in bioreactors.