Biosciences and IPO offer employees a variety of opportunities to cultivate a more entrepreneurial mindset, whether or not their goal is to start a company.
Biosciences industry and entrepreneurship events
The Area sponsors fireside chats, seminars, and networking events with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, incubators/accelerators, and industry experts working in the biosciences ecosystem. These events offer an opportunity for Biosciences employees to network and learn more about the practical aspects of commercializing biosciences technologies. Events are announced in Elements and the BioSci Communiqué. To provide input or participate in organizing these events contact Robin Johnston.
Postdoc IP and commercialization training at JBEI
DOE is sponsoring a six-month pilot program at JBEI for postdocs interested in developing skills that would be valuable in an industry position or who want to be better equipped to evaluate the commercial relevance and patentability of their research projects. The program offers hands-on exposure to the basics of intellectual property management, patent strategy, technology licensing, business development, value proposition creation (for research and technologies), and negotiation. Prospective participants must commit to an average of four hours per week and will need permission from their supervisors. Contact Robin Johnston for more information.
Berkeley Lab Energy I-Corps lite program
IPO runs a four-week short course once or twice a year that teaches Lab employees how to determine the commercial value proposition of their inventions or ideas. The course covers a process called “customer discovery” which, through interviews with potential customers and industry experts, validates or invalidates hypotheses inventors develop about the commercial application of their technologies. The course uses a tool called the Business Model Canvas. Contact Jeremy Greeter for more information.
Energy I-Corp program

DOE sponsors a seven-week Energy I-Corps program managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). This annual course digs deeper into customer discovery and the Business Model Canvas. The course normally consists of two in-person training sessions, one at NREL and one in Washington, D.C., and weekly virtual meetings. Contact Jeremy Greeter for more information.
Resources at UC Berkeley
Many of the entrepreneurial resources at UC Berkeley are available to Berkeley Lab employees. For help navigating the UC Berkeley ecosystem contact Robin Johnston.