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Four from Biosciences Honored as “Women @ the Lab” 2015
Berkeley Lab is pleased to honor fourteen “Women @ The Lab” this year. Women @ the Lab showcases some of Berkeley Lab’s talented and dedicated employees in STEM and Operations, and four of the fourteen are in the Biosciences Area. Helen Cademartori, Biosciences Area Operations Deputy; Sarah Richardson, Computational Biologist Postdoctoral Fellow at the Joint BioEnergy Institute, […]
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Legacy of ARRA Funding for Lab Research and Facilities is Vast
Berkeley Lab received $334 million and used the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds for such things as the demolition of the Bevatron, creating the BELLA advanced laser plasma accelerator, and establishing the Advanced Biofuels Process Demonstration Unit. The jobs created and retained by the Lab and its contractors totaled 2,017. Read more in […]
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Genetic Factors That Influence Body Weight, Neurological Disorders Identified
A new study has identified genetic factors that influence motor performance and body weight in a genetically diverse group of mice. The Lab researchers also found the genes identified in the mice overlap significantly with genes related to neurological disorders and obesity in people. Jian-Hua Mao and Antoine Snijders in the Biological Systems and Engineering Division led the Biosciences research team, which included colleagues in their division (Sasha Langley, Yurong Huang, Michael Hang, Kristofer Bouchard, and Gary Karpen) and the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division (Susan Celniker and Ben Brown). Read more at the Berkeley Lab News Center.
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Berkeley Lab Veterans Share Their Stories
As the nation observed Veterans Day, a time to honor and remember those who have served our country in the armed forces, four Lab veterans described their experiences. Among those were Erika Lindquist of the Joint Genome Institute (pictured) and Nick Everson from the Emery Station Operations Center and Joint BioEnergy Institute. Read more and watch […]
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Smartphone video microscope automates detection of parasites in blood
A smartphone microscope, CellScope Loa, uses video to automatically detect and quantify infection by parasitic worms in a drop of blood. Daniel Fletcher, faculty engineer in the Biological Systems & Engineering Division, led the team of researchers who developed this next generation of UC Berkeley’s CellScope technology, which could be important for reviving efforts to eradicate debilitating filarial diseases in Africa, such as onchocerciasis (river blindness).
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