Héctor García Martín
Computational Biologist Staff Scientist
Biological Systems and Engineering
- Process Engineering & Analytics
Secondary Affiliation: Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology
- Biosystems Data Science
Building: 978, Room 4244
Mail Stop: 978-4121
Phone: (510) 495-2505
Fax: (510) 486-4252
Research Interests
My research interests focus on mathematical modeling of biological systems: from synthetic biology, machine learning, systems biology, metabolic flux analysis, data visualization, scientific software development, ecology, to automation and complexity
My research is divided among machine learning, metabolic flux analysis, retrobiosynthesis, automation and software development for visualization and acquisition of data. I am also using mathematical approaches to try and develop quantitative predictive models for microbial communities. You can find more detailed information on my research interests here and the full story of how a physicist ended up working in biology here.