The EGSB Division pursues sustainable solutions to energy and environmental challenges developed through mechanistic understanding of ecosystem dynamics. Our investigators employ systems-level models using integrated molecular observation and controlled manipulation of model organisms and defined biomes to design and test interventions.

Much of the research in the Division takes place within programs supported by various funders.

Over her nearly two decade career at Berkeley Lab, Tringe has become a leader in the field of metagenomics, and has influenced the careers of countless researchers around the world as the Deputy of User Programs at the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI). She is the 2021 recipient of the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award, one of DOE’s highest honors.

Northen is a leader in the field of metabolomics and technologies for constructing and studying laboratory ecosystems. He founded the JGI metabolomics program, which has provided valuable research resources for JGI users. Northen is a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering and a AAAS fellow.

Humphreys has worked in the University of California (UC) System for over 20 years gathering a wealth of experience and honing her analytical, communication, planning, and project management skills. She has a strong track record in management, having twice received the Berkeley Staff Assembly Excellence in Management Award.

Deutschbauer is an expert in microbial genomics and has developed widely-used tools to investigate less-studied bacteria important for multiple applications, including promoting plant growth and improving human health. He is an Environmental Atlas Science Lead in the ENIGMA Science Focus Area (SFA) and Technical Co-manager of the m-CAFEs SFA.

Mungall’s career at Berkeley Lab has been dedicated to the development of informatics systems and standards for integrating and analyzing biological and environmental data. He is a PI on the Gene Ontology project and founded multiple widely used ontologies. Mungall is a recipient of the Early Scientific Career Director’s Award and the Exceptional Contribution to Biocuration award.

Henrik Scheller

Scheller has worked at Berkeley Lab for nearly 20 years and is a leader in plant cell wall biosynthesis. He heads the Feedstocks Division at the Joint BioEnergy Institute and serves as an Adjunct Professor in UC Berkeley’s Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, advancing research in bioenergy and plant sciences.

Developing a mechanistic understanding of how the genomes of organisms influence complex ecosystem dynamics requires the generation, management, and interpretation of vast amounts of complex heterogeneous data. The Biosystems Data Science department draws on research in computer science, statistics, and mathematics to build tools and infrastructure for managing and analyzing this data, and using it to facilitate building of predictive models.

Scientific efforts in the Comparative and Functional Genomics department are focused on applying experimental and computational cutting-edge approaches for the interrogation of metabolic traits and functions of organisms, and microbial and viral communities, in both engineered and natural ecosystems. These efforts are geared toward addressing pressing questions relating to sustainable biofuel production, biogeochemical cycling, and human health and to enable future design of relevant pathway.

The Molecular EcoSystems Biology Department will provide fundamental knowledge and tools to understand organismal interactions at the molecular level. Understanding interactions between natural and engineered organisms will enable us to improve the environment and use resources more efficiently.

We are committed to ensuring an open and welcoming workplace for all employees, contractors, affiliates, and visitors. This expectation applies to all roles and levels–from managers to supervisors to individual contributors–in the Division.

Graphic shows the Secondary Metabolism Collaboratory data flow from public repositories to users. Two photos; in the left-hand photo, a researcher stands by a field of green plants. The right photo shows plants in pots in a greenhouse. A series of colored, overlapping circles form Venn diagrams depicting the various genome categories represented by publicly available sequences in NCBI and IMG/M.

Researchers in the EGSB Division have built a robot, called the EcoBOT, that is able to perform “self-driving experiments.” This all-in-one station enables researchers to compare their data while studying how plant genes and interactions between organisms affect ecosystem level processes.