Colorful illustration of spherical lipid nanoparticles.

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Digital illustration of coiled molecules assembled into larger constructs.

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Man in large hall
  • Celebrating Biosciences Women in Science and Public Service

    Celebrating Biosciences Women in Science and Public Service

    March is Women’s History Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the diverse and historic accomplishments of women. The theme for 2016 is to honor women who have shaped America’s history and its future through their public service and government leadership. In honor or Women’s History Month Berkeley Lab has profiled Facilities Division Director Reva Nickelson, as well as two Biosciences women, Shiela Dixson and Lauren Lui: Shiela Dixson, a financial analyst matrixed to the Biosciences University/Hill Operations, who left the Lab March 15 for a new position at Livermore, talks about achieving her life goals of obtaining her MBA…

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  • Berkeley Lab to Collaborate with Small Businesses to Commercialize Clean Energy Products

    Berkeley Lab to Collaborate with Small Businesses to Commercialize Clean Energy Products

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) will partner with four clean energy small businesses to accelerate the commercialization of their innovative bioenergy, buildings and vehicle technologies as part of the Small Business Vouchers (SBV) pilot launched in July 2015 by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). One of those businesses is Lygos, Inc., a local business that has partnered with the Advanced Biofuels Process Demonstration Unit (ABPDU) in the past to achieve pilot-scale production of malonic acid from sugar. Lygos will conduct the necessary testing at the APBDU to overcome current barriers to scale-up, and then move production to the large-scale fermenters…

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  • DOE-funded Bioenergy Research Centers File 500th Invention Disclosure

    Three U.S. Department of Energy-funded research centers – the BioEnergy Science Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (University of Wisconsin–Madison and Michigan State University), and the Joint BioEnergy Institute (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) – are making progress on a shared mission to develop technologies that will bring advanced biofuels to the marketplace, reporting today the disclosure of their 500th invention. Read more on the JBEI website.

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  • Antioch High School Takes Part in Mock Interviews at Biosciences ESOC

    Antioch High School Takes Part in Mock Interviews at Biosciences ESOC

    Antioch High School juniors practiced their job application skills on February 26 during mock interviews held at LBL’s Biosciences Emery Station Operations Center (ESOC). The students, who are taking part in the Biotech Partners program, are getting ready for their interviews in order to get summer internships. The ESOC operations staff was on hand to […]

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  • New Way to Reduce Plant Lignin Could Lead to Cheaper Biofuels

    New Way to Reduce Plant Lignin Could Lead to Cheaper Biofuels

    Aymerick Eudes and Dominique Loqué of the Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI) led a study that shows for the first time that an enzyme can be tweaked to reduce lignin in plants. Their technique could help lower the cost of converting biomass into carbon-neutral fuels to power your car and other sustainably developed bio-products. The crystal structure of this enzyme was solved using data collected in the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology at the Advanced Light Source. Read more on the Berkeley Lab News Center.

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