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Area Scientists to Present Talks at 2018 AAAS Annual Meeting
Several Berkeley Lab scientists will present talks at the 72nd annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest general scientific society, to be held February 15 through 19 in Austin, Texas. Among them are four representing the Biosciences Area: Mary Maxon, Blake Simmons, Trent Northen, and Susannah Tringe.
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Diversity Senior Leadership Council Launched at the Lab
Berkeley Lab Director Witherell, in partnership with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Office, has announced the launch of Berkeley Lab’s DEI Senior Leadership Council (SLC). Members of the council include Biosciences Associate Laboratory Director Mary Maxon and Biological Systems & Engineering Division Director Blake Simmons. They, along with ten other councilmembers, will provide senior leadership with support and guidance toward achieving the Lab’s strategic DEI goals. In his announcement, Witherell said that the SLC “will help carry out our commitment to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion become hallmarks of the Berkeley Lab culture. This council will provide senior…
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TEDx Talk by BSE’s Director Blake Simmons Now Available
Blake Simmons, Director of the Biological Systems and Engineering Division, gave a talk at TEDxSonomaCounty on November 4, 2017 entitled “A World Without Limits through Biomanufacturing of Carbon”. The video of the talk is now available.
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Beta of Neurodata Without Borders Software Now Available
Neuroscientists can now explore a beta version of the new Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N 2.0) software and offer input to its developers. The 2.0 software was developed by Berkeley Lab Computational Research Division’s (CRD’s) Oliver Ruebel and Andrew Tritt, in collaboration with Kristofer Bouchard (Biological Systems & Engineering Division, pictured), Loren Frank and Eddie Chang (UCSF), and the broader Neurodata Without Borders community. Read more on CRD’s website.
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Dernburg and Nogales Named Fellows of the American Society for Cell Biology
Biosciences’ Abby Dernburg and Eva Nogales–both of whom are also UC Berkeley professors and HHMI Investigators–have been selected as 2017 Fellows of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). Election as a Fellow is an honor bestowed upon ASCB members by their peers. The award is a lifetime recognition of meritorious efforts to advance cell biology and/or its applications, work in service to the Society, and ongoing loyalty to ASCB.
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