Colorful illustration of spherical lipid nanoparticles.

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Digital illustration of coiled molecules assembled into larger constructs.

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Man in large hall
  • Biosciences Area FY22 LDRD Projects

    The projects of 17 Biosciences Area scientists and engineers received funding through the FY22 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program.

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  • Women @ the Lab Awards

    Women @ the Lab Awards

    Four Biosciences employees were selected by Berkeley Lab leadership and the Women Scientists and Engineers Council (WSEC) for recognition as part of the 2020 Women @ the Lab awards. The biennial program, now in its fourth year, spotlights women at the Lab for meritorious professional contributions, leadership, mentorship, and outreach.

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  • Mina Bissell to Receive American Association for Cancer Research Award

    Mina Bissell to Receive American Association for Cancer Research Award

    Mina Bissell, Distinguished Senior Scientist in the Biological Systems and Engineering (BSE) Division, has been selected as this year’s recipient of the AACR Princess Takamatsu Memorial Lectureship. Bissell’s work in BSE involves describing ways in which the microenvironment, or context, of cells can influence tumor growth and extracellular matrix in the regulation of gene expression and tumorigenesis, and for the invention of a 3-D organoid culture technology. Above and beyond these scientific contributions, Bissell continually demonstrates a commitment to supporting collaborative research and mentoring early career investigators.

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  • New Protein Functions from Beneficial Human Gut Bacterium

    New Protein Functions from Beneficial Human Gut Bacterium

    Researchers in the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology (EGSB) and Biological Systems and Engineering (BSE) Divisions at Berkeley Lab employed a large-scale functional genomics approach to systematically characterize Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a beneficial bacterium prevalent in the human gut. They performed hundreds of genome-wide fitness assays and identified new functions for 40 proteins, including antibiotic tolerance, polysaccharide degradation, and colonization of the GI tract in germ-free mice.

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  • Are Gut Microbes the Key to Unlocking Anxiety?

    Are Gut Microbes the Key to Unlocking Anxiety?

    The prevalence of anxiety disorders, already the most common mental illness in many countries, including the U.S., has surged during the novel coronavirus pandemic. A study led by researchers in Berkeley Lab’s Biosciences Area provides evidence that taking care of our gut microbiome may help mitigate some of that anxiety.

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