Representatives from three national labs, including Berkeley Lab’s Sarah Richardson, a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Biological Systems and Engineering Division, as well as DOE Deputy Secretary Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall (pictured), Jo Handelsman of the White House Office of Science & Technology, and Dot Harris of Economic Impact & Diversity, participated in the March 22 Twitter chat, in honor of Women’s History Month. Read more at the DOE’s Storify.
“The Tale of the Bacteria Farmer” with JBEI’s Sarah Richardson
JBEI’s Post-Doctoral Researcher Sarah Richardson (Biological Systems and Engineering Division) teamed up with Team Escamilla at Tumble to record a science podcast for children ages 8 – 12, created to be enjoyed by the entire family. In this podcast episode Richardson explains how she’s trying to convince bacteria to make the things we need, such as biofuels. To listen click here. To learn more about Sarah’s research area and her outreach work click here.
Three from Biosciences Win Director’s Exceptional Achievement Awards
The Berkeley Lab Director’s Office has announced the recipients of the 2015 Director’s Awards for Exceptional Achievement. Awardees included three women-researchers from the Biological Systems & Engineering Division: Eleanor Blakely, Sarah Richardson, and Corinne Scown.
Four from Biosciences Honored as “Women @ the Lab” 2015
Berkeley Lab is pleased to honor fourteen “Women @ The Lab” this year. Women @ the Lab showcases some of Berkeley Lab’s talented and dedicated employees in STEM and Operations, and four of the fourteen are in the Biosciences Area. Helen Cademartori, Biosciences Area Operations Deputy; Sarah Richardson, Computational Biologist Postdoctoral Fellow at the Joint BioEnergy Institute, … Read more »
Two L’ORÉAL 2015 For Women In Science Fellows Affiliated with Biosciences
L’Oréal USA announced the five recipients of the 2015 For Women in Science Fellowship, which honors female scientists at critical stages of their career with $60,000 fellowships to advance their postdoctoral research. Two of the five winners, Sarah Richardson and Claire Robertson, are researchers in the Biological Systems & Engineering Division.
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