On May 4, 2016, EERE hosted a National Lab Impact Summit at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to celebrate recent National Laboratory successes and bring together the nation’s public- and private-sector energy leaders to formulate the next stage of clean energy technology innovation. The full-day program included keynote presentations, break-out panels by technology, discussions with industry-leading Chief Technology Officers, interactive exhibits, networking opportunities and tours.
Biosciences Researchers Participate in Lab-Corps Program Training
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Lab-Corps program has announced a second round of training for entrepreneurial teams at the national labs. Lab-Corps aims to accelerate the transfer of clean energy technologies from the national labs to the marketplace by training and empowering national lab researchers to successfully transition their discoveries into high-impact, real world technologies in the private sector. The training which involves 14 project teams from seven DOE national labs began this week in Golden, Colorado. The rigorous seven-week training follows the path of a typical start-up accelerator.
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