The new American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) fellows include Biosciences’ Jamie Cate from the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division. The other Berkeley Lab scientists honored are Christopher Chang (Chemical Sciences), Roger Falcone (ALS), Michael Witherell (Lab Director), and Katherine Yelick (Computing Sciences). AAAS fellowships recognize leading figures in academia, the arts, science, business, and government. Read more in the Berkeley Lab News Center.
Biosciences Researchers to Support Two Exascale Projects
Biosciences researchers will contribute their expertise to two new projects, “Data Analytics at the Exascale for Free Electron Lasers” and “Exascale Solutions for Microbiome Analysis,” funded by DOE to develop cutting-edge research applications for next-generation supercomputers as part of DOE’s Exascale Computing Project (ECP), a component of President Obama’s National Strategic Computing Initiative that intends to maximize the benefits of high-performance computing for U.S. economic competiveness, national security and scientific discovery. ECP announced its first round of funding on September 7 with the selection of 15 application development proposals for full funding and seven proposals for seed funding.
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