Two papers by Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) and Biological Systems and Engineering (BSE) researchers are currently ranked among the most popular articles published in the journal BioEnergy Research. “An Investigation on the Economic Feasibility of Macroalgae as a Potential Feedstock for Biorefineries,” published in in 2015, is among the most downloaded, and “Assessment of Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Analytical Spectroscopy: an Evolution to High-Throughput Techniques,” published in 2014, is among the most cited. In the former paper, the authors—Murthy Konda, Seema Singh, Blake Simmons, and the late Daniel Klein-Marchschamer—presented a detailed technoeoconomic analysis of the economic potential and cost drivers of macroalgae as a feedstock for the production of biofuels and biochemicals. In the latter, Jason Lupoi, Singh, and Simmons undertook a comparative review of rapid, high-throughput spectroscopic techniques and standard, more time-intensive techniques to analyze candidate terrestrial biomass feedstocks for desirable traits.
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