In a Metabolic Engineering Communications paper entitled “Enhanced fatty acid production in engineered chemolithoautotrophic bacteria using reduced sulfur compounds as energy sources” researchers at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) have demonstrated a promising biological approach to convert nuisance chemicals in municipal wastewater (sewage) treatment plants into renewable fuels or chemicals. Read more on the JBEI website.
JBEI’s Ee-Been Goh Featured on Laboratory Equipment
JBEI Research Scientist, Ee-Been Goh was featured in an article by Laboratory Equipment to talk about what she is working on, whom she is mentoring and her take on what it’s like to be a female in the male-dominated science space. Read more
From Near-Dropout to PhD, JBEI Scientist Now at Forefront of Biofuels Revolution
To see biochemist Ee-Been Goh in the lab today, figuring out how to rewire bacteria to produce biofuels, one would never guess she was once so uninterested in school that she barely made it through junior high. Today she is a project scientist at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI), a Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Center led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Read more at Berkeley Lab News Center.
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