Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging (MBIB) Division faculty scientists James Fraser and James Holton were part of a team that demonstrated that a natural language processing AI can design novel proteins that function as well as naturally occurring ones. This advance could energize the 50-year-old field of protein engineering by speeding the development of new proteins that can be used for almost anything from therapeutics to degrading plastic.
Machine Learning Tackles Long COVID
A new machine learning tool developed by a team of researchers led by Justin Reese of Berkeley Lab and Peter Robinson of Jackson Lab analyzes electronic health records to find symptoms in common between people who have been diagnosed with long COVID and to define subtypes of the condition.
Researchers at Berkeley Lab Advance Cancer Research Using Artificial Intelligence
BSE Researchers recently published two studies that will help oncologists more precisely understand the state of their patients’ disease or their risk for cancer relapse. As with many diseases, cancer can be challenging to predict and in some cases, impossible to treat. This work, however, is pushing the boundaries of how science and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to better understand the risks and outcomes of cancer in human health.
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