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Susan E. Celniker

Biochemist Senior Scientist

Building: Potter Street (977), Room 160
Mail Stop: 977
Phone: (510) 486-6258
Fax: (510) 486-6798


Biological Systems and Engineering

  • BioEngineering & BioMedical Sciences

Secondary Affiliation:

Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology

  • Comparative and Functional Genomics


Dr. Celniker graduated from Pitzer College with a B.A. in Biology and Anthropology, followed by two years at the City of Hope National Medical Center in the Department of Medical Genetics studying brain proteins from Huntington’s patients. After completing her dissertation at Caltech, she received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She accepted an NIH Postdoctoral Service Award (1983-1986) to work with E.B. Lewis (Nobel Laureate, 1995) conducting a genetic analysis of the bithorax complex, homeotic gene, Abdominal-B. She continued to work with Dr. Lewis until 1996, when she was hired as a Staff Scientist at Berkeley Lab. In 2001, she was a co-recipient of the AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize for “The Genome Sequence of Drosophila melanogaster.” 

She led the effort to characterize the Drosophila transcriptome for NHGRI’s modENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) project. She is an advisor to FlyBase (2007-present), on the editorial boards of BMC Genomics (2009-present) and G3 (2011-present), and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Previously, she served as the Deputy Director of the Life Sciences Division as well as the Biological Systems and Engineering Division from 2016-2021.

Recent Publications

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