Miaw-Sheue Tsai
Biologist Research Scientist
Director, SBDR-EMB Core
Biological Systems and Engineering
- BioEngineering & BioMedical Sciences
Building: 977, Room 262
Mail Stop: 977
Phone: (510) 486-6621
Research Interests
Miaw-Sheue Tsai is the Director of the Expression and Molecular Biology (EMB) Core for the SBDR (Structural Cell Biology of DNA Repair Machines) Program Project. SBDR brings together the top laboratories in DNA repair through multi-disciplinary collaborations to define the complex and dynamic network of DNA repair machines and to develop an actionable, quantitative and mechanistic knowledge of DNA repair machines, pathways and intersections with DNA replication and other DNA related processes to aid prediction and intervention for cancer biology. The EMB Core has been an integral part of SBDR since 2001 and is designed to lower the barriers for SBDR to obtain challenging DNA repair proteins and complexes by providing centralized resources and expertise in advanced recombinant protein expression technologies. The research and production services of the EMB Core deliver consistent, high quality key reagents (including vectors, proteins and cell products) and protein partnership information to jump-start the proposed work by the SBDR Program and facilitate both internal and external collaborations.