Jay D. Keasling
Chemist Senior Faculty Scientist
Chief Executive Officer, Joint BioEnergy Institute
Biological Systems and Engineering
- Biodesign
Building: 978, Room 4122
Mail Stop: 978-4121
Phone: (510) 495-2620
Fax: (510) 495-2630
Research Interests
- Harnessing biology to address diverse critical global challenges in the areas of renewable biomanufacturing, human health, and bioenergy.
- Engineering microbes to produce drugs, chemicals, and fuels.
- Developing foundational tools for engineering metabolism inside cells.
- Creating novel metabolic pathways to produce unnatural molecules.
- Designing robust microbial hosts for producing chemicals under a variety of industrial conditions.
- Applying these methods and tools to important societal problems, such as producing the antimalarial drug artemisinin, a variety of commodity and specialty chemicals, and biofuels.