Benjamin Cole
Biologist Research Scientist
- Science Programs
Secondary Affiliation: Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology
- Comparative and Functional Genomics
Building: 91, Room 250G2
Mail Stop: 91R0183
Phone: (510) 495-8550
Research Interests
Plants are phenomenal in their ability to adapt to adverse conditions, harboring an incredible diversity of responses to environmental stress. I am broadly interested in studying exactly how plants interact with their environment, from their relationships with soil micoorganisms to their reactions to drought, light, and nutrient scarcity. At the Joint Genome Institute, my research focus has been on understanding how microbes can colonize plant roots, focusing on genetic components required for effective colonization. In addition, I am now focusing on how individual plant cells respond to their biotic and abiotic environment using emerging single-cell characterization technologies (scRNA-seq and Spatial Transcriptomics).