Ian Blaby
Biologist Staff Scientist
DNA Synthesis Group Lead

Building: 91, Room 210c
Mail Stop: 91R0183
Phone: 510-495-8511
Secondary Affiliation:
Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology
- Comparative and Functional Genomics
Research Interests
Dr. Blaby joined the JGI in 2019 as the lead of the DNA synthesis platform, where he manages production for approved user projects as well as leading computational and lab-based R&D efforts for synthetic biology and functional genomics. Prior to JGI, he was a group lead at Brookhaven National Laboratory where he focused on functional genomics of phototrophs. Through this and post-doctoral positions at University of Florida and UCLA he has worked with a wide range of eukaryotic algae, archaea and bacteria with a view to developing a deeper understanding of sequence-based gene function.
Recent Publications
Related News
Studying the Tiniest Archaea, JGI Users Find a Genomic Switch of Friend or Foe
Meta-omics datasets show that CRISPR-Cas systems determine mutualism or parasitism between some archaeal hosts and their hitchhikers.
Leveraging Soil Virus for Insight into Maintaining Microorganisms
Using the JGI's IMG/M data portal, researchers have identified a virus protein tied to carbon cycling.
Onsite PhD Student Visit Amps Up Collaborative Spirit
Biosciences Area staff recently hosted 40 PhD students from Wageningen University in the Netherlands over two days at Emery Station East (ESE) and the Integrative Genomics Building (IGB). The group launched their two-week California tour in the Bay Area, stopping by local biotechnology companies and prominent academic research institutions. The contingent visited ESE to tour the facility, make presentations, and discuss potential collaborations. At the IGB, the students attended a day-long symposium that included short talks, tours of several user facilities, and a poster reception.