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Horst Simon (left) stands ready as Mary Maxon cuts the ribbon on the EcoPOD. Subhash Verma, associate professor of microbiology and immunology (left) and Timsy Uppal, research scientist, department of microbiology and immunology (right) pose with a dry-sanitizing device. Protists, a type of microbe, are slowly being recognized as key elements of the soil and rhizosphere microbiome. (Credit: Javier A. Ceja Navarro) Molecular models constructed from the X-ray data show different antibodies bound to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (pink). The scientists determined that the linear arrangement (right) has higher detection sensitivity than the sandwich arrangement (left). (Credit: Berkeley Lab) Esther Singer working with plants in the EcoPOD. Cuff monitor (credit: Shutterstock) The anaerobic fungus Anaeroromyces robustus growing on reed canary grass. (Vaithiyalingam Shutthanandan, PNNL/EMSL)