Our researchers study the molecular structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. Often, they will investigate how changes in molecular structures can affect their function. A variety of techniques are used to determine the structures and gain dynamic information about macromolecules, including X-ray crystallography, X-ray free-electron laser crystallography and spectroscopy, electron cryo-microscopy, and X-ray tomography.

Tsutakawa specializes in small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and macromolecular crystallography and endeavors to understand the structural mechanisms underlying protein function, with focus on proteins relevant to DNA and RNA processes in human cancer and biopreparedness.

Paul Adams Marc Allaire James Fraser self picture Eva Nogales Kanupriya Pande A person with salt-and-pepper hair and beard wearing glasses peers into the eyepiece of an immunofluorescence microscope at a sample of mouse brain tissue.