The Agile BioFoundry (ABF) hosted its 2023 Industry Listening Day on July 31, 2023. ABF staff shared updates on the consortium’s latest research, partnership opportunities, and the ABF’s future direction. 

The event provided an opportunity for 50+ attendees from industry and academia to provide feedback on ABF’s activities and suggestions on how it can better serve the biomanufacturing community.

“We learned that industry is interested in ABF researchers giving seminars on topics such as our sustainable aviation fuel efforts at their companies. Regarding ABF funding opportunities, attendees recommended providing opportunities to meet with an ABF representative as they prepare concepts for their ABF feasibility review,” said ABF PI Nathan Hillson. “We also learned that it would be helpful for companies to better understand when ABF resources — such as instruments and staff — will become available as they prepare schedules for their collaboration project proposals. We’re grateful to be able to receive this direct feedback and use this knowledge to better shape our future efforts.” 

View slides from the event.