The Neurodata Without Borders: Neurophysiology (NWB:N) project, led by Berkeley Lab in collaboration with the Allen Institute for Brain Science and multiple neuroscience labs, has been selected for a 2019 R&D 100 Award by R&D World magazine. The annual R&D 100 Awards are given in recognition of exceptional new products or processes that were developed and introduced into the marketplace during the previous year. The awards will be presented on December 5 in San Mateo, California.

The NWB:N project enables the re-use of data, facilitates collaboration across laboratories, and makes high-performance computing easily accessible to neuroscientific research. The consortium behind the project was initiated by the Kavli Institute in mid-2014 following the National Institutes of Health’s announcement of the BRAIN Initiative. Berkeley Lab’s leadership in the project evolved out of a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project, BRAINformat: A Data Standardization Framework for Neuroscience Data.

This year, Berkeley Lab won three R&D 100 Awards in all. The other two went to Commercial Building Energy Saver (CBES) from the Energy Technologies Area and Portable Radiation Imaging, Spectroscopy and Mapping (PRISM) from the Physical Sciences Area. Additionally, two other Biosciences technologies—CRAGE and EcoFAB—were finalists for the awards.

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