Aindrila MukhopadhyayThe Department of Energy’s Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI) Chief Executive Officer, Jay Keasling, has announced that Aindrila Mukhopadhyay will step into the role of Vice President of the Fuels Synthesis Division. This announcement comes after a national search and interview process. Mukhopadhyay, who joined the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) in 2003, will continue to serve as Director of JBEI’s Host Engineering group and as Interim Division Director of Berkeley Lab’s Biological Systems and Engineering (BSE) in the Biosciences Area.

Mukhopadhyay has named Taek Soon Lee to her previous position as Deputy Vice President of the Fuels Synthesis Division. Lee joined Keasling’s group Taek Soon Leeat UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab as a post-doctoral researcher in 2006, and since 2008 has served as Director of Metabolic Engineering in the Fuels Synthesis Division at JBEI. Read more on the JBEI website.