Ahmet YildizThe Vilcek Foundation is honoring Ahmet Yildiz, faculty scientist in Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging, who has demonstrated evidence of creative promise with his scientific work in the United States. Yildiz uses single molecule imaging to uncover the mechanism of molecular motors that function in living cells. As a winner of the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science, Yildiz will receive a $50,000 cash award.

“The Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise were established in 2009 as a complement to the Vilcek Prizes, to encourage and support young immigrants who have already demonstrated exceptional achievements, and who often face significant challenges early in their careers,” the Foundation’s website reads.

Yildiz’s story, including his unexpected journey from his native Turkey to the United States, his introduction to the American research culture, and his work across disciplines (critical in creating environments where scientific breakthroughs could more easily occur, he says), are highlighted in this ASCB member news post by Mary Spiro. The award was also announced in Physics@Berkeley.